By www.carbonfiber.com.cn
美国麦可门(Michelman)公司研发出新型纤维上浆剂Hydrosize PA845,它以聚酰胺为原料,具有良好的成膜性能,其所用溶剂不含挥发性有机化合物(VOC)或烷基酚聚氧乙烯(APE)。该上浆剂适用于高温树脂的上浆剂配方,尤其适用于碳纤维的上浆,其应用潜力主要来自军用、运输、航空和汽车领域。
Polyamide Ideal for Carbon Fibre Sizing Where Thermal Stability is Required
Hydrosize PA845 from surface-specialist Michelman is a polyamide based fibre sizing formulated for high temperature resin applications where a greater degree of thermal stability is required. It is particularly effective in high performance carbon fibre sizing applications.
Formulated with a small particle size, Hydrosize PA845 is reported to display excellent film forming properties. It is solvent, VOC and alkylphenol ethoxylate (APE) free, and is also fully compliant with the EC Directives on plastics for food applications. This allows its use in far reaching carbon fibre-based applications.
With this combination of properties, Hydrosize PA845 is being targetted at applications where continuous use temperatures are high. Suggested applications for carbon fibre treated with Hydrosize PA845 fibre sizing include military, transportation, aerospace and automotive components.
美国麦可门(Michelman)公司研发出新型纤维上浆剂Hydrosize PA845,它以聚酰胺为原料,具有良好的成膜性能,其所用溶剂不含挥发性有机化合物(VOC)或烷基酚聚氧乙烯(APE)。该上浆剂适用于高温树脂的上浆剂配方,尤其适用于碳纤维的上浆,其应用潜力主要来自军用、运输、航空和汽车领域。

Polyamide Ideal for Carbon Fibre Sizing Where Thermal Stability is Required
Hydrosize PA845 from surface-specialist Michelman is a polyamide based fibre sizing formulated for high temperature resin applications where a greater degree of thermal stability is required. It is particularly effective in high performance carbon fibre sizing applications.

Formulated with a small particle size, Hydrosize PA845 is reported to display excellent film forming properties. It is solvent, VOC and alkylphenol ethoxylate (APE) free, and is also fully compliant with the EC Directives on plastics for food applications. This allows its use in far reaching carbon fibre-based applications.
With this combination of properties, Hydrosize PA845 is being targetted at applications where continuous use temperatures are high. Suggested applications for carbon fibre treated with Hydrosize PA845 fibre sizing include military, transportation, aerospace and automotive components.