Zoltek Automotive公司CEO谈碳纤维在汽车领域的应用方向
By www.carbonfiber.com.cn

David Stewart, chief executive of Zoltek Automotive, speaks to CM Magazine on the growing use of carbon fiber composites.
Zoltek Automotive(卓尔泰克汽车公司)的CEO David Stewart与记者畅谈了碳纤维复合材料逐渐出现的新用途。
碳纤维在生产过程中需要应用截然不同的制造工艺:周期时间(Cycle time)最为重要,其中复杂的几何零部件制造工艺比较复杂。
我们确实对量产的碳纤维结构件非常感兴趣,包括压缩成型、 注射成型。我们不太喜欢喷涂零部件,因为不同的制造工艺存在一定的难度。驱动器轴、 机箱、 柱、 黄铜梁、 保险杠梁、 进气歧管和油箱。
福特公司研究表明,复合材料可以将零部件的数量减为原来的80%,加工费用相对钢材降低60%,粘结费用相对焊接减少25%到40%。复合材料是汽车工业保持竞争优势的潜在源泉。近年来,复合材料在促进汽车零部件模块化设计和生产方面取得了长足发展。所谓模块化生产,即是以一个零件(或部件)为中心将周边的零件组合在一起经一次成型加工而成,这样可以减少许多制造工艺和模具数量,进而降低整车的生产成本,使汽车在市场上有强大的竞争能力。如:1)福特F250/340“皮卡”及Explorer和Mountaineer SUVs的脚踏板采用40%长玻纤聚丙烯注塑成型制造的,取代用43个零件组装的部件。2)福特金牛座和水星黑貂轿车的前围里下散热器托架,原钢制的有22个零件,而采用SMC的才需2个件,重量大减,成本降14﹪。3)BMW系列的汽车变速箱组件采用35%玻纤增强PA66制成,它集成了许多零部件于一体,节约了发动机体内的宝贵空间。4)德国梅德赛斯-奔驰汽车公司在Atego、Vario、和Unimog三种型号轻型载货汽车上,使用玻璃纤维增强热塑性塑料(5%玻璃纤维增强尼龙)代替传统的铝金属材料制造摇臂盖,实现油分离器和摇臂盖的一体化设计,显着降低发动机的工作噪音。
Q&A: Which Automakers Are Most Likely to Use Composites?
David Stewart has been working in the automotive industry for over 20 years, taking technology out of labs and applying it to mass production environments. He owns a research firm, Stewart Automotive Research, and was just named chief executive of Zoltek Automotive, a new subsidiary from the carbon fiber supplier.
Zoltek’s CEO is quoted as saying carbon fiber is easier to use in wind energy than automotive. What makes automotive tougher to work with?
The volume requirements involve very different requirements on the manufacturing process. Cycle time is important, and the part geometry is substantially more complex. The chemistry of the curing process for thermosets needs to be tailored to the faster cycle time requirements. For preforming, getting the fibers into the appropriate alignment with the part geometry and structural requirements is a very different process for smaller parts with more curvature as compared to the structural parts in wind blades.
Why did Zoltek form this subsidiary?
The primary factor was renewed interest in automotive composites from the OEMs. Several OEMs have announced production programs where they’ll be delivering production vehicles that utilize lightweight carbon fiber materials. There are a few examples in production right now. In lower volumes, Tesla has carbon fiber body panels; in higher volumes, BMWs are being manufactured with carbon fiber structural and exterior body panel components. It has given some confidence to other OEMs that there’s a place for these materials in low-volume niche manufacturing and higher-volume production applications.
Which American OEMs are more likely to use composites?
That’s a tricky question. They all have equivalent incentives. I can’t comment on any of their individual development programs because of their proprietary requirements. I will say that GM and Ford have the development budgets that allow them to pursue these opportunities. It is worth noting that the latest wave of gasoline price increases and changes in the regulatory environment has led to that renewed interest among the OEMs in composites.
What are some of the biggest challenges OEMs have working with composites?
Composites are a challenge for material substitutions because the technology required to manufacture composites differs so much from the traditional materials they replace. The design and manufacturing infrastructure both change and that makes it challenging for existing capital industries to change over from one material to another. There’s such a huge investment in the existing way of doing things in the engineering, design, testing, quality control, etc.
Why hasn’t the automotive industry embraced carbon fiber more until now?
There’s a long lead time for developing these technologies for high-volume production. A number of efforts in the past have seen a three-year development cycle and a seven-year cycle for re-engineering an entire vehicle platform. Implementing substantial amounts of carbon fiber in the vehicle platform greatly impacts the engineering of the fundamental platform, painting process and crash analysis. Those changes need to be made up front in that development cycle.
Before moving a large amount of vehicle production to an alternative material, there’s a desire to have the material validated in a smaller-scale, less capital-intensive, less risky environment. A lower volume platform is selected initially, which is also a seven-year development cycle. You can get sufficient data to project the warranty costs and performance in an actual service environment. We’ve been through that cycle a few times, but every time when we have incentives from a fuel economy, the price of fuel has gone back down again. That volatility has never provided a sustained incentive to re-engineer vehicle architecture as well as maintaining the variable cost incentives to spend additional money on more expensive materials. Fuel prices need to be at a sustained projected level where the materials pay for themselves over the life of the vehicle.
Are we reaching that point, or will more instability follow?
After so many years, we finally have an increase in the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) requirements. There is now a hard target that North American manufacturers have to meet. That hasn’t happened since the 1980s. Most manufacturers are projecting the price of oil to remain above $60 a barrel for a sustained period of time going forward.
What difficulties will you face in starting the subsidiary?
We need to establish a solid relationship with a fairly new and changing supply base. Recent difficulties in the auto industry have put most of the Tier 1 suppliers through Chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcies. There are some financially strong suppliers that do composite materials, but it’s always been a fragmented industry with a large number of suppliers and contracts for a fairly small volume of components. The OEMs and Tier 1s started to re-evaluate their relationship and the applications appropriate for the structural composite materials. We need to re-evaluate what that supply chain looks like and what support they’ll need.
What do manufacturers need to get involved in that re-evaluation?
The manufacturers with the largest ability to respond to new demand are those with the greatest investment in capability and design testing and manufacturing process equipment. So it requires a substantial investment. There’s not a lot of existing capacity out there that is drop-in and ready for a significant shift toward lightweight composites.
What does Zoltek see as the future of carbon fiber in medium to large production automotive parts?
We are most interested in structural components that lend themselves to high-volume manufacturing, compression molding and injection molding. We stay away from components that are painted because of the difficulties in reconciling the painting process with different manufacturing processes. We’re utilizing our material in this fashion, but we think it will remain a niche market from a volume sales standpoint, and by far the largest tonnage of carbon fiber is with the structural and underhood components such as drive shafts, chassis, pillar, brass beams, bumper beams, intake manifold and oil pans.
What production processes will the subsidiary incorporate?
We’re working with our customer base on all volume-capable carbon fiber manufacturing processes. These include preforming, resin transfer molding, compression molding for thermosets and thermoplastics, thermoplastic compounding for short and long fiber reinforced molding compounds, filament winding. If a process doesn’t have an established history, the development cycle for implementation into a high-volume vehicle platform is quite long. We’re focusing most of our efforts around established processes incorporating fiberglass, analogs or filament winding.
How can the industry improve its recycling of carbon fiber to improve its “green” aspect?
There are different ways for evaluating this aspect of end use requirements. It varies from one OEM to another. In Europe, you must identify exactly how this material will be recovered at its end of life. It’s a different question for thermosets and thermoplastics, and we’re working with companies who are developing techniques to reclaim carbon fiber at its end of life and recycle it either as short fiber or milled fiber materials. Over the course of the life of the material, the weight savings more than offsets its cost to produce and cost for end of life recycling.

David Stewart, chief executive of Zoltek Automotive, speaks to CM Magazine on the growing use of carbon fiber composites.
Zoltek Automotive(卓尔泰克汽车公司)的CEO David Stewart与记者畅谈了碳纤维复合材料逐渐出现的新用途。
碳纤维在生产过程中需要应用截然不同的制造工艺:周期时间(Cycle time)最为重要,其中复杂的几何零部件制造工艺比较复杂。
我们确实对量产的碳纤维结构件非常感兴趣,包括压缩成型、 注射成型。我们不太喜欢喷涂零部件,因为不同的制造工艺存在一定的难度。驱动器轴、 机箱、 柱、 黄铜梁、 保险杠梁、 进气歧管和油箱。
福特公司研究表明,复合材料可以将零部件的数量减为原来的80%,加工费用相对钢材降低60%,粘结费用相对焊接减少25%到40%。复合材料是汽车工业保持竞争优势的潜在源泉。近年来,复合材料在促进汽车零部件模块化设计和生产方面取得了长足发展。所谓模块化生产,即是以一个零件(或部件)为中心将周边的零件组合在一起经一次成型加工而成,这样可以减少许多制造工艺和模具数量,进而降低整车的生产成本,使汽车在市场上有强大的竞争能力。如:1)福特F250/340“皮卡”及Explorer和Mountaineer SUVs的脚踏板采用40%长玻纤聚丙烯注塑成型制造的,取代用43个零件组装的部件。2)福特金牛座和水星黑貂轿车的前围里下散热器托架,原钢制的有22个零件,而采用SMC的才需2个件,重量大减,成本降14﹪。3)BMW系列的汽车变速箱组件采用35%玻纤增强PA66制成,它集成了许多零部件于一体,节约了发动机体内的宝贵空间。4)德国梅德赛斯-奔驰汽车公司在Atego、Vario、和Unimog三种型号轻型载货汽车上,使用玻璃纤维增强热塑性塑料(5%玻璃纤维增强尼龙)代替传统的铝金属材料制造摇臂盖,实现油分离器和摇臂盖的一体化设计,显着降低发动机的工作噪音。
Q&A: Which Automakers Are Most Likely to Use Composites?
David Stewart has been working in the automotive industry for over 20 years, taking technology out of labs and applying it to mass production environments. He owns a research firm, Stewart Automotive Research, and was just named chief executive of Zoltek Automotive, a new subsidiary from the carbon fiber supplier.
Zoltek’s CEO is quoted as saying carbon fiber is easier to use in wind energy than automotive. What makes automotive tougher to work with?
The volume requirements involve very different requirements on the manufacturing process. Cycle time is important, and the part geometry is substantially more complex. The chemistry of the curing process for thermosets needs to be tailored to the faster cycle time requirements. For preforming, getting the fibers into the appropriate alignment with the part geometry and structural requirements is a very different process for smaller parts with more curvature as compared to the structural parts in wind blades.
Why did Zoltek form this subsidiary?
The primary factor was renewed interest in automotive composites from the OEMs. Several OEMs have announced production programs where they’ll be delivering production vehicles that utilize lightweight carbon fiber materials. There are a few examples in production right now. In lower volumes, Tesla has carbon fiber body panels; in higher volumes, BMWs are being manufactured with carbon fiber structural and exterior body panel components. It has given some confidence to other OEMs that there’s a place for these materials in low-volume niche manufacturing and higher-volume production applications.
Which American OEMs are more likely to use composites?
That’s a tricky question. They all have equivalent incentives. I can’t comment on any of their individual development programs because of their proprietary requirements. I will say that GM and Ford have the development budgets that allow them to pursue these opportunities. It is worth noting that the latest wave of gasoline price increases and changes in the regulatory environment has led to that renewed interest among the OEMs in composites.
What are some of the biggest challenges OEMs have working with composites?
Composites are a challenge for material substitutions because the technology required to manufacture composites differs so much from the traditional materials they replace. The design and manufacturing infrastructure both change and that makes it challenging for existing capital industries to change over from one material to another. There’s such a huge investment in the existing way of doing things in the engineering, design, testing, quality control, etc.
Why hasn’t the automotive industry embraced carbon fiber more until now?
There’s a long lead time for developing these technologies for high-volume production. A number of efforts in the past have seen a three-year development cycle and a seven-year cycle for re-engineering an entire vehicle platform. Implementing substantial amounts of carbon fiber in the vehicle platform greatly impacts the engineering of the fundamental platform, painting process and crash analysis. Those changes need to be made up front in that development cycle.
Before moving a large amount of vehicle production to an alternative material, there’s a desire to have the material validated in a smaller-scale, less capital-intensive, less risky environment. A lower volume platform is selected initially, which is also a seven-year development cycle. You can get sufficient data to project the warranty costs and performance in an actual service environment. We’ve been through that cycle a few times, but every time when we have incentives from a fuel economy, the price of fuel has gone back down again. That volatility has never provided a sustained incentive to re-engineer vehicle architecture as well as maintaining the variable cost incentives to spend additional money on more expensive materials. Fuel prices need to be at a sustained projected level where the materials pay for themselves over the life of the vehicle.
Are we reaching that point, or will more instability follow?
After so many years, we finally have an increase in the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) requirements. There is now a hard target that North American manufacturers have to meet. That hasn’t happened since the 1980s. Most manufacturers are projecting the price of oil to remain above $60 a barrel for a sustained period of time going forward.
What difficulties will you face in starting the subsidiary?
We need to establish a solid relationship with a fairly new and changing supply base. Recent difficulties in the auto industry have put most of the Tier 1 suppliers through Chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcies. There are some financially strong suppliers that do composite materials, but it’s always been a fragmented industry with a large number of suppliers and contracts for a fairly small volume of components. The OEMs and Tier 1s started to re-evaluate their relationship and the applications appropriate for the structural composite materials. We need to re-evaluate what that supply chain looks like and what support they’ll need.
What do manufacturers need to get involved in that re-evaluation?
The manufacturers with the largest ability to respond to new demand are those with the greatest investment in capability and design testing and manufacturing process equipment. So it requires a substantial investment. There’s not a lot of existing capacity out there that is drop-in and ready for a significant shift toward lightweight composites.
What does Zoltek see as the future of carbon fiber in medium to large production automotive parts?
We are most interested in structural components that lend themselves to high-volume manufacturing, compression molding and injection molding. We stay away from components that are painted because of the difficulties in reconciling the painting process with different manufacturing processes. We’re utilizing our material in this fashion, but we think it will remain a niche market from a volume sales standpoint, and by far the largest tonnage of carbon fiber is with the structural and underhood components such as drive shafts, chassis, pillar, brass beams, bumper beams, intake manifold and oil pans.
What production processes will the subsidiary incorporate?
We’re working with our customer base on all volume-capable carbon fiber manufacturing processes. These include preforming, resin transfer molding, compression molding for thermosets and thermoplastics, thermoplastic compounding for short and long fiber reinforced molding compounds, filament winding. If a process doesn’t have an established history, the development cycle for implementation into a high-volume vehicle platform is quite long. We’re focusing most of our efforts around established processes incorporating fiberglass, analogs or filament winding.
How can the industry improve its recycling of carbon fiber to improve its “green” aspect?
There are different ways for evaluating this aspect of end use requirements. It varies from one OEM to another. In Europe, you must identify exactly how this material will be recovered at its end of life. It’s a different question for thermosets and thermoplastics, and we’re working with companies who are developing techniques to reclaim carbon fiber at its end of life and recycle it either as short fiber or milled fiber materials. Over the course of the life of the material, the weight savings more than offsets its cost to produce and cost for end of life recycling.