碳纤维冰球杆采用TeXtreme 最新材料技术
By www.hockeystick.com.cn

TeXtreme 在体育用品和赛车上的使用已经取得了巨大的成功。Oxeon公司表示采用TeXtreme 的复合材料生产商,已能使产品的重量减少25%到30%之多,而且可以使产品有着相同的,甚至是加强了的机械性能。
Bauer 的最新Supreme Totalone 款冰球杆采用Spread Tow Fabric TeXtreme 制造,目前该产品已正式推向运动用品市场。

Supreme Totalone是Bauer公司第二次采用纤维织物打造的高性能产品。实验证明,Supreme Totalone与上一代Supreme系列产品重量更轻,性能更优异。

TeXtreme 织物用于复合材料产品的增强材料中,能够大幅提高机械性能。TeXtreme 使用两种新技术,提供高品质的材料:Tow Spreading Technology和Tape Weaving Technology。使用该技术,可以首先将纤维丝束加工成纤维带,之后使用纤维带生产加工成织物:Spread Tow Fabric(丝束展开碳纤维增强材料)。
“超轻薄织物需求的连续增长及客户对我们丝束展开织物——TeXtreme 的良好回馈,让我们对扩张计划有非常大的信心。”Oxeon公司业务开发部副总裁Andreas Martsman说道。
TeXtreme 在体育用品和赛车上的使用已经取得了巨大的成功。Oxeon公司表示采用TeXtreme 的复合材料生产商,已能使产品的重量减少25%到30%之多,而且可以使产品有着相同的,甚至是加强了的机械性能。
“在过去几年中,我们经历了巨大的增长,我们也非常幸运拥有一些客户,他们在我们的产品中找到足够高的价值,并继续扩大对TeXtreme 的使用,即使是在最近恶劣的经济时代下”,Martsman说道,“我们的客户利用TeXtreme 的独特外观,把它与结构分层相结合,来提高企业对其产品的需求。此外,我们在技术灵活性上发现了很大的兴趣,这使我们为各种应用定制及与其他企业联合开发优化结构成为可能。”

The high performance Spread Tow Fabric TeXtreme is being used in Bauer’s new
Supreme Totalone ice hockey stick to advance its performance benefits; as
unveiled on the 21th of October 2010.
The Supreme Totalone is the second stick for which Bauer has used TeXtreme to
enhance performance, this time resulting in a stick that is lighter and better
balanced than its predecessors in the Supreme series.
TeXtreme is a Spread Tow carbon fabric that is used to make ultra light
composites with improved mechanical performance. TeXtreme uses two novel
techniques to deliver the high quality material: Tow Spreading Technology and
Tape Weaving Technology. The two techniques that make TeXtreme unique include
spreading a tow into a tape and then using these tapes to weave it into a
fabric: Spread Tow Fabric.
Andreas Martsman, Vice President and head of Business Development at Oxeon,
says: “We are happy to continue providing ultra light carbon fabric that really
makes a difference to the products it is incorporated in and we hope that the
Supreme Totalone stick will be as successful as previous sticks built with
TeXtreme , both to Bauer and to players.”
瑞典Oxeon公司是研发、生产和营销丝束展开碳纤维增强材料的厂商。这种增强材料可大大提高复合材料制品的机械性能。旗下两款知名产品TeXtreme 丝束展开碳纤维和TeXero UD被用来制造所有对材料性能要求极高的航空、竞速、体育、汽车和工业用品等。
About Oxeon
Founded in 2003, Oxeon has quickly established itself as the market leader in
Spread Tow reinforcements. Use of these Spread Tow carbon reinforcements
increases the mechanical performance of composite material products and reduces
the weight. Utilization of Oxeon’s TeXtreme Spread Tow Fabrics and TeXero
Spread Tow Tapes by manufacturers of advanced aerospace, automotive, racing,
industrial and sports products in applications that have critical material
performance requirements has affirmed the significance of Oxeon’s ultra light
Bauer Hockey公司简介:
Bauer Hockey公司是全球知名的曲棍球设备设计制造商。1927年成立于加拿大安大略省的基奇纳。旗下最知名的是Supreme和Vapor两条产品线。
About Bauer Hockey
Bauer Hockey is the world’s most recognized designer, marketer and manufacturer
of hockey equipment. Founded in Kitchener, Ontario in 1927, Bauer Hockey
developed the first skate with a blade attached to a boot, forever changing the
game of hockey. Since then, Bauer Hockey has continued to develop the most
sought after products in the industry, including the widely successful Supreme
and Vapor lines of products.
From: www.carbonfiber.com.cn

TeXtreme 在体育用品和赛车上的使用已经取得了巨大的成功。Oxeon公司表示采用TeXtreme 的复合材料生产商,已能使产品的重量减少25%到30%之多,而且可以使产品有着相同的,甚至是加强了的机械性能。
Bauer 的最新Supreme Totalone 款冰球杆采用Spread Tow Fabric TeXtreme 制造,目前该产品已正式推向运动用品市场。

Supreme Totalone是Bauer公司第二次采用纤维织物打造的高性能产品。实验证明,Supreme Totalone与上一代Supreme系列产品重量更轻,性能更优异。

TeXtreme 织物用于复合材料产品的增强材料中,能够大幅提高机械性能。TeXtreme 使用两种新技术,提供高品质的材料:Tow Spreading Technology和Tape Weaving Technology。使用该技术,可以首先将纤维丝束加工成纤维带,之后使用纤维带生产加工成织物:Spread Tow Fabric(丝束展开碳纤维增强材料)。
“超轻薄织物需求的连续增长及客户对我们丝束展开织物——TeXtreme 的良好回馈,让我们对扩张计划有非常大的信心。”Oxeon公司业务开发部副总裁Andreas Martsman说道。
TeXtreme 在体育用品和赛车上的使用已经取得了巨大的成功。Oxeon公司表示采用TeXtreme 的复合材料生产商,已能使产品的重量减少25%到30%之多,而且可以使产品有着相同的,甚至是加强了的机械性能。
“在过去几年中,我们经历了巨大的增长,我们也非常幸运拥有一些客户,他们在我们的产品中找到足够高的价值,并继续扩大对TeXtreme 的使用,即使是在最近恶劣的经济时代下”,Martsman说道,“我们的客户利用TeXtreme 的独特外观,把它与结构分层相结合,来提高企业对其产品的需求。此外,我们在技术灵活性上发现了很大的兴趣,这使我们为各种应用定制及与其他企业联合开发优化结构成为可能。”

The high performance Spread Tow Fabric TeXtreme is being used in Bauer’s new
Supreme Totalone ice hockey stick to advance its performance benefits; as
unveiled on the 21th of October 2010.
The Supreme Totalone is the second stick for which Bauer has used TeXtreme to
enhance performance, this time resulting in a stick that is lighter and better
balanced than its predecessors in the Supreme series.
TeXtreme is a Spread Tow carbon fabric that is used to make ultra light
composites with improved mechanical performance. TeXtreme uses two novel
techniques to deliver the high quality material: Tow Spreading Technology and
Tape Weaving Technology. The two techniques that make TeXtreme unique include
spreading a tow into a tape and then using these tapes to weave it into a
fabric: Spread Tow Fabric.
Andreas Martsman, Vice President and head of Business Development at Oxeon,
says: “We are happy to continue providing ultra light carbon fabric that really
makes a difference to the products it is incorporated in and we hope that the
Supreme Totalone stick will be as successful as previous sticks built with
TeXtreme , both to Bauer and to players.”
瑞典Oxeon公司是研发、生产和营销丝束展开碳纤维增强材料的厂商。这种增强材料可大大提高复合材料制品的机械性能。旗下两款知名产品TeXtreme 丝束展开碳纤维和TeXero UD被用来制造所有对材料性能要求极高的航空、竞速、体育、汽车和工业用品等。
About Oxeon
Founded in 2003, Oxeon has quickly established itself as the market leader in
Spread Tow reinforcements. Use of these Spread Tow carbon reinforcements
increases the mechanical performance of composite material products and reduces
the weight. Utilization of Oxeon’s TeXtreme Spread Tow Fabrics and TeXero
Spread Tow Tapes by manufacturers of advanced aerospace, automotive, racing,
industrial and sports products in applications that have critical material
performance requirements has affirmed the significance of Oxeon’s ultra light
Bauer Hockey公司简介:
Bauer Hockey公司是全球知名的曲棍球设备设计制造商。1927年成立于加拿大安大略省的基奇纳。旗下最知名的是Supreme和Vapor两条产品线。
About Bauer Hockey
Bauer Hockey is the world’s most recognized designer, marketer and manufacturer
of hockey equipment. Founded in Kitchener, Ontario in 1927, Bauer Hockey
developed the first skate with a blade attached to a boot, forever changing the
game of hockey. Since then, Bauer Hockey has continued to develop the most
sought after products in the industry, including the widely successful Supreme
and Vapor lines of products.
From: www.carbonfiber.com.cn