Richard Mille推出首枚碳纤维腕表

Richard Mille首创将NTPT®(薄层复合技术)碳纤维材料应用在钟表制造上,经过数个月的精心研发,终于推出第一枚NTPT®碳纤维材质表壳。

NTPT®碳纤维材料原本开发作为竞赛用游艇风帆的制造之用,并很快地成为航海运动不可错过的材质。这种材质显着地优化了游艇风帆的耐力和轻盈度,成为世界各地赛艇必用的材质。NTPT®碳纤维材料成为复合材料的基准,近两季来更被用来制造一级方程序赛车的车架,亦因为被用在未来的太阳能飞机Solar Impulse 2号机身上,而进入航空工业的殿堂。

NTPT®碳纤维材质特别,因其规律的波浪状图形产生独特的视觉效果。NTPT®碳纤维材料由多层平行细丝构成,细丝则由碳纤维分离得到。这些厚度不超过30微米的薄层先被浸在一种树脂中,再经过特殊的机器织成,层与层之间有45°角的交错,创造出类似珍稀木材的特殊视觉效果。再经6 bar压力加热到120°后,NTPT®碳纤维材料就可以被送到Richard Mille位于Proart的表壳工厂以数控机床进行加工。

NTPT®碳纤维材料与已被认为拥有卓越物理性能的复合材料相比,破裂应力的出现还要优化25%,微裂纹的出现则有200%的改善。NTPT®材质完全保护RMAC1机芯。RMAC1机芯的特色是12点钟位置的大日期视窗,4点钟位置的月份显示,以及飞返计时功能。全钛金属制造的机芯,有着双发条盒装置,通过可变几何自动盘上链,动力储存长达55小时。全新的RM 011 Carbon NTPT®腕表将创新尖端的技术方案带进现代制表的世界。
This fall, Richard Mille is annoucing a brand new material to watchmaking - NTPT® (North Thin Ply Technology) carbon - to create the first RM 011 NTPT® carbon case.
Originally developed for the sails of racing yachts, NTPT® carbon has quickly become a must-have material in nautical circles. Sails manufactured from this substance are highly resistant and light, and have thus enabled the giants of the seas to claim the finishing lines of the world’s greatest regattas. NTPT® carbon, which has become a reference in composite materials, has been used for Formula 1 car chassis for the last two seasons, and in aeronautics for the fuselage of the future Solar Impulse 2 aircraft.
NTPT® carbon is an exclusive material with a unique appearance. Its remarkable surface displays extremely regular undulations, as NTPT® carbon is composed of multiple layers of parallel filaments obtained by dividing carbon fibers. These layers, with a maximum thickness of 30 microns, are impregnated with resin then woven on a special machine that modifies the direction of the weft by 45° between layers, creating this distinctive visual effect that is reminiscent of precious wood. Heated to 120°C at a pressure of 6 bars, the NTPT® is then ready to be processed on a CNC machine in Richard Mille’s Proart case factory.
When compared to composite materials, whose exceptional physical properties are already well known, NTPT® carbon improves the rate of occurrence of breaking stresses by 25% and of micro-cracks by 200%.
The NTPT® fully protects the RMAC1 automatic caliber, which is recognizable by its large date at 12 o’clock, its month display at 4 o’clock and its flyback chronograph. The movement, made entirely of titanium, has a 55-hour power reserve provided by its double-barrel system wound by a variable-geometry rotor.
The new RM 011 Carbon NTPT® introduces innovative technical solutions that are essential to modern watchmaking.

Extremely thin sheets of isotropic carbon filament are bonded together at 45° offsets to create an extremely light yet strong composite (Image from

Well, we can add yet another high-performance material to the lineup of those already used by Richard Mille for some of the most interesting and idiosyncratic watch cases on the market today. Only a few months ago we brought you the RM 011 in Brown Silicon Nitride, and today we can announce that shortly the RM 011 will also be available in NTPT (North Thin Ply Technology) carbon, a material entirely new to watchmaking.
Carbon has been used in many forms over the past few years for all manner of wristwatch components (such as in the Zenith El Primero Lightweight and the Linde Werdelin SpidoLite II Tech). But NTPT carbon is an entirely new type of carbon for watchmaking. It was first developed for the sails of racing yachts and spread to aeronatuics and Formula 1 racing pretty quickly.

Richard Mille首创将NTPT®(薄层复合技术)碳纤维材料应用在钟表制造上,经过数个月的精心研发,终于推出第一枚NTPT®碳纤维材质表壳。

NTPT®碳纤维材料原本开发作为竞赛用游艇风帆的制造之用,并很快地成为航海运动不可错过的材质。这种材质显着地优化了游艇风帆的耐力和轻盈度,成为世界各地赛艇必用的材质。NTPT®碳纤维材料成为复合材料的基准,近两季来更被用来制造一级方程序赛车的车架,亦因为被用在未来的太阳能飞机Solar Impulse 2号机身上,而进入航空工业的殿堂。

NTPT®碳纤维材质特别,因其规律的波浪状图形产生独特的视觉效果。NTPT®碳纤维材料由多层平行细丝构成,细丝则由碳纤维分离得到。这些厚度不超过30微米的薄层先被浸在一种树脂中,再经过特殊的机器织成,层与层之间有45°角的交错,创造出类似珍稀木材的特殊视觉效果。再经6 bar压力加热到120°后,NTPT®碳纤维材料就可以被送到Richard Mille位于Proart的表壳工厂以数控机床进行加工。

NTPT®碳纤维材料与已被认为拥有卓越物理性能的复合材料相比,破裂应力的出现还要优化25%,微裂纹的出现则有200%的改善。NTPT®材质完全保护RMAC1机芯。RMAC1机芯的特色是12点钟位置的大日期视窗,4点钟位置的月份显示,以及飞返计时功能。全钛金属制造的机芯,有着双发条盒装置,通过可变几何自动盘上链,动力储存长达55小时。全新的RM 011 Carbon NTPT®腕表将创新尖端的技术方案带进现代制表的世界。
This fall, Richard Mille is annoucing a brand new material to watchmaking - NTPT® (North Thin Ply Technology) carbon - to create the first RM 011 NTPT® carbon case.
Originally developed for the sails of racing yachts, NTPT® carbon has quickly become a must-have material in nautical circles. Sails manufactured from this substance are highly resistant and light, and have thus enabled the giants of the seas to claim the finishing lines of the world’s greatest regattas. NTPT® carbon, which has become a reference in composite materials, has been used for Formula 1 car chassis for the last two seasons, and in aeronautics for the fuselage of the future Solar Impulse 2 aircraft.
NTPT® carbon is an exclusive material with a unique appearance. Its remarkable surface displays extremely regular undulations, as NTPT® carbon is composed of multiple layers of parallel filaments obtained by dividing carbon fibers. These layers, with a maximum thickness of 30 microns, are impregnated with resin then woven on a special machine that modifies the direction of the weft by 45° between layers, creating this distinctive visual effect that is reminiscent of precious wood. Heated to 120°C at a pressure of 6 bars, the NTPT® is then ready to be processed on a CNC machine in Richard Mille’s Proart case factory.
When compared to composite materials, whose exceptional physical properties are already well known, NTPT® carbon improves the rate of occurrence of breaking stresses by 25% and of micro-cracks by 200%.
The NTPT® fully protects the RMAC1 automatic caliber, which is recognizable by its large date at 12 o’clock, its month display at 4 o’clock and its flyback chronograph. The movement, made entirely of titanium, has a 55-hour power reserve provided by its double-barrel system wound by a variable-geometry rotor.
The new RM 011 Carbon NTPT® introduces innovative technical solutions that are essential to modern watchmaking.

Extremely thin sheets of isotropic carbon filament are bonded together at 45° offsets to create an extremely light yet strong composite (Image from

Well, we can add yet another high-performance material to the lineup of those already used by Richard Mille for some of the most interesting and idiosyncratic watch cases on the market today. Only a few months ago we brought you the RM 011 in Brown Silicon Nitride, and today we can announce that shortly the RM 011 will also be available in NTPT (North Thin Ply Technology) carbon, a material entirely new to watchmaking.
Carbon has been used in many forms over the past few years for all manner of wristwatch components (such as in the Zenith El Primero Lightweight and the Linde Werdelin SpidoLite II Tech). But NTPT carbon is an entirely new type of carbon for watchmaking. It was first developed for the sails of racing yachts and spread to aeronatuics and Formula 1 racing pretty quickly.